Is this old news? was all over Facebook but I still think it's kinda awesome. These two guys, named Adam and Stacy (who are communication specialists) created this Tumblr page (
Texts from Hillary) which a bunch of meme's of Secretary Clinton and other various celebrities.
You don't have to be a Hillary fan to find it amusing, but I actually think she's a pretty cool lady. She even submitted her own meme. You can't beat that!
The original picture is from Time magazine. The photographer, Diana Walker, took the picture on a flight to Tripoli. The original pictures are linked in the Tumblr page.
President Bush, former Secretary Rice and Secretary Clinton |
Secretary Clinton and (former) Representative Weiner. Remember that scandal? |
Mitt Romney and Secretary Clinton |
Mark Zuckerburg (I think?) and Secretary Clinton |
her own submission to the site. |
I had to look up with a selfie was. I'm so technologically behind on the times. :( Oh well.
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