Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Humid Pouf

Humid...found on Pinterest, original somewhere on

My hair is...poufy today. Extra pouf-tastic. Perhaps a bit on the poodle scary side of pouf.

I wish I could post a lovely how to of what I did with my hair that would make any Junior League member proud. But I threw it up in a ponytail instead.

Oh dear...

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

It's memorial day in America, and a regular Monday for everyone else I guess. It's also pouring rain where I live so staying home and doing nothing seems like the way to go.

For some reason, I felt really silly after reading this one article (7 things you didn't know about Memorial Day) because I didn't realize it started after the Civil War. For some reason I equated it with World War I or II and my grandpas. Go figure!

President Obama and Major General Linnington at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
an honor guard at Wrightstown N.J.
Honor Guards line up at Arlington
Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C.
U.S. Military Color Guard at the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C.
Memorial Day in 1920
Memorial Day parade in 1900
Memorial Day Parade in NYC in 1922, Grand Army of the Republic (veterans)

Images From:

1-2 are from Memorial Day 2012 via the Huffington Post
3-5 are from MSNBC's Photoblog Memorial Day observed around the U.S.
6 is from Memorial Day from Wikipedia (image originally from the Library of Congress)
7 is from How Memorial Day begun via
8 is from A Brief History of Memorial Day from
9 is from Memorial Day Tributes Around the World from
Enhanced by Zemanta

Sunday, May 27, 2012

I want to move to Korea

There's no words, I don't even need to introduce this beyond this: Epic Taekwondo Dance "Battle" Coolness. Ridiculously awesome.

Originally found on 22 Words: Taekwondo Dance Battle

YouTube Channel: Taekwondo Shuffle in Korea

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cleaning without chemicals

I know I've mentioned I have migraines. I still don't know what causes them, but I have noticed that there are things I can do that limit me having horrid death-pain types.

All the cleaners that you can buy at the stores can give me a headache if I don't air out the room during and after the cleaning process. Sad right? Cleaning makes me sick! Terrific excuse to never clean again (actually--I have several of those, I tend to hurt myself when cleaning. I've managed to crack my tailbone and bang my fingernail right off.)

So, I'm constantly on the search to figure out how to clean without normal cleaning things. You know, stuff grandma would do (well, my grandmommy was older). Baking soda and vinegar are my go to at the moment. And they work pretty well actually.


I know you can't see that really well...but the website, 10 Remarkable DIY Cleaning Solutions, has the image where you can blow it up and read them all like the first image.

I'm always looking for new things, hopefully I'll have a clean house eventually.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

studying abroad update

Oh dear, I'm not quite sure where I'm going yet. I've heard back from three schools. I got accepted into two, but not the last one. And I'm okay with that. I was pretty sick during my undergraduate and my GPA suffered because of it so I wasn't expecting miracles.

But as soon as I accept, I have a couple of weeks before I apply for a visa and then move. It's absolutely terrifying. And knowing me, there's going to be huge, detailed lists of things I need and things I need to do. Considering some of the schools I applied to have an actual winter...I'm going to have to buy a new wardrobe.

I just don't know where to shop for winter/cold weather clothes. We'll see how this all turns out.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

They canceled GCB! No!

I cannot believe this! They canceled GCB! I'm horrified! And slightly ashamed that I watch so much TV.


Of course, there's a petition to get ABC to renew the show but considering some of the other silly shows they continue to renew (I'm SOOOO sick of the reality shows like the Bachelor) I don't think it has much of a chance.

Oh well, at least they didn't cancel Once Upon a Time. Or Happy Endings. Seriously ABC, how can you tell Annie Potts no?

Abc's GCB's page

Monday, May 21, 2012

Seriously?! Ashwarya Rai just had a baby for heaven's sake

So...I totally got into Bollywood this past week. I love Netflix for this reason, there's a bunch of Bollywood movies on the Instant Stream and the last one I watched was called Aisha

from Aum Aparna
It was cute (which I think was what it was going for). It reminded me of Clueless/Emma. It was a great girls night in movie. 

That's not really important, I just thought I'd share the movie I watched. My Indian film oeuvre is pretty bare but I do know who Ashwarya Rai is (more or less). It sorta hit the news (not really the American press as much) that since she had her baby, she hasn't gone back to this perfect pre-baby body. And there's this website that's being mean to her about it. Seriously? She had a freaking BABY. What is wrong with those people?!
Ashwarya Rai, pre-baby from Daily Mail
I get that it's her "job" to be glamours, but not everyone is superhuman like Victoria Beckham. And lord, I couldn't do any of that to save my life. I like snickers bars too much. 

Here's the pic that everyone is commenting on. 
from the Daily Mail

It looks like she just had a baby and is getting situated in the car right? It's not the best picture of her, but she doesn't look bad or like a cow. 

Well, strike Bollywood actress of my job list. I couldn't handle Indian media or the pressure. Lord!

Related Links:

  1. How the 'most beautiful woman in the world' has been accused of betraying her country or failing to lose her baby weight from the Daily Mail
  2. Aishwarya Rai criticized for not losing her postpartum baby weight fast enough from
  3. New Mom Aishwarya Rai is too fat, says assholes from
  4. In depth article from the Sydney Morning Herald on Aishwarya Rai and the comments on her weight

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Did you ever wonder...what world leaders do on their break time?

It's not that soccer/football/fut-ball/etc. isn't popular in the USA. I have guy friends who are devoted lovers (mostly of German football).

Hopefully the pic doesn't offend. But it does make me giggle.

The first time I ever experienced football (soccer) like the rest of the world was when i was in England. I was in high school, and our high school trip was to Europe. So we were walking down some road near Trafalgar Square in London, everything was quiet and peaceful and quite pretty. Then BAM--doors open, people are screaming. Complete chaos.

Now, growing up in America I assumed that something disastrous had happened and every (semi-drunk) British man had been called to arms. Like, the queen (bless her) had died. The country had run out of fish and chips, France had invaded or...someone dumped tea into the harbor (again). I wasn't sure...but obviously it was bad right?

So, while still horrified, my friends and I stopped in the sidewalk because this hoard of British men were coming near us. Our teachers and school supervisors were a bit panicked because there were 40+ students and this melee was coming our way. Our Italian bodyguard/tour guide just shrugged.

A couple of us got picked up and carried to the actual square and all I remember is being put on a fountain/lion/thingy, while a once civilized country went to pot.

Original map from
Eventually, our Italian guide saunters up, grinning and points to us and says to the British guys around us. "Eh...Americans".

The Brits all nodded and helped us down and waved us on back to our hotel. Which is where we learned that England had won a game in the world cup.

This was the trip where I learned that there was a world cup. And that soccer men take their shirts off (not as much anymore). And that the rest of the world is way into soccer. Waaaaay into it.

Which leads me to this pic...some world leaders watched a game between Chelsea and Bayern Munich. I know Bayern Munich is in Germany because I know enough German people who love this team. And google said Chelsea is English. And that's all I give a pootey-toot about.

David Cameron, Barack Obama, Angela Merkel and Jose Manuel Barroso watch at Camp David


MSNBC PhotoBlog's article "Leaders take time out from G8 to watch shootout in Champions League Final"

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hoarding (the tv shows)

If I watch any of the hoarders shows on television I get an attack of "must-clean". I HAVE to start cleaning. I can't handle it. I have to purge too. I watched hoarders and went through my winter wardrobe with a super harsh eye.

I mean, this is an art installation...and it has me twitching. I want to make it go away.

So...since all these hoarders shows are now on Netflix...I've been mad cleaning. And organizing. and purging. I don't know how the producers and camera people from the show go through that. I would be trying to clean while I was there.

Images: From Pinterest

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

We don't sweat...we glisten!

I totally remember P.E. in school. In middle school our teacher actually told us that girls don't sweat...we glisten (she was was while we were complaining about our fitness test and being sweaty for the rest of the school day) and the high school gym teacher would pale when anyone mentioned cramps (in reference to that "time of the month"). I'm not sure he noticed when some girls would have a two week long period.

Big Bang Theory: Sheldon and Penny exercising

Anyways, I'd much rather lay around and read a great book than exercise, but I dragged myself to the gym today to work out. And oh my gosh-I was completely disgusting when I was through. But I've got to get back in shape...and stop eating so many yummy sweet things!

I'm trying to motivate myself to go to yoga as well. But the yoga classes are in the morning. And are taught by bright, happy, motivated, morning people. I hate them already. There is no reason to be that excited about the morning.

Image Source:
We Heart It

Sunday, May 13, 2012

How to get a Tiger to the dentist

I've never actually thought about dental care in association with a zoo...but it makes perfect sense. That being said...poor kitty!

Tiger getting a root canal via MSNBC

The tiger lives at the Birmingham Zoo in Alabama (USA). And during a routine medical exam, they discovered his tooth had been broken, so they vets their decided that in order to save the tooth, a root canal was needed. Ouch!

operation, headed by Dr. Gaddis via

The tiger, whose name is Kumar, is 13 years old and is 235 pounds. He's a Malayan tiger, which is an endangered species.

closeup of the operation from


  1. MSNBC's PhotoBlog Birmingham Zoo's Kumar the Tiger gets a root canal
  2. Birmingham Zoo's Malayan tiger gets root canal, slide show and video from; also has a little information on dental care for zoo animals, Dr. Gaddis's other zoo operations and an article
  3. Malayan Tiger information from Wikipedia

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Anna Wintour is my new hero

I'll admit I'm not a disciple of Vogue. Or anything incredibly fashionable. I'm afraid I'm stuck with Lilly and anything pink. And I have a love for shift dresses.

Anna Wintour would HATE my wardrobe. Sorry Ms. W.

Anna Wintour from the Wall Street Journal

But this week I feel in love with Anna Wintour because she was adorable and sassy (and quite effusive) on the Colbert Report and she supposedly banned Kim Kardashian from the Met Gala.

I don't hate Kim Kardashian. I'm just really, really, really tired of her. She's lasted longer than Paris Hilton, but they're both famous for the same reason. And it's not a reason I think any female would be thrilled about. That being said...I do like Khloe. I can't help myself.

I hope that video works. It's Anna Wintour on The Colbert Report. And I've only linked to YouTube because its easy.

Anyways, Anna Wintour was there to promote the show Schiaparelli and Prada: Impossible Conversations that's showing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute (Met Gala = Met Museum...if anyone didn't link that). And she has a "date" with Colbert to go to Long John Silver's while wearing zebra striped sweatpants. Total hoot.

Anna Wintour and Stephen Colbert on the Colbert Report via The Hollywood Reporter

I love Colbert. He actually told her that he didn't trust Prada because he heard the Devil wore Prada. Even I, in my tulle loving gynocentrism, knew what he was hinting at. Anna Wintour took it like a pro.

Extra Articles:

  1. Wall Street Journal, picture and article on Anna Wintour
  2. Anna Wintour bans Kim Kardashian from Met Gala via Fox News
  3. Did Anna Wintour really ban Kim Kardashian from the Met Ball via Fashionista
  4. Anna Wintour Wikipedia page
  5. The Metropolitan Museum of Art's exhibition of Schiaparelli and Prada: Impossible Conversation exhibition
  6. Anna Wintour, the comic? Vogue editor is surprisingly funny on Colbert via the Daily Mail
  7. Colbert Report video from the Colbert Nation
  8. Anna Wintour spars with Stephen Colbert on Fashion, Art and Gay Marriage, also with pictures from the Met Gala via The Hollywood Reporter

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

the catchiest song in the world (one direction)

I have some younger tween cousins...which is the ONLY reason I know who's "in" on the music scene. Since they're all planning on being the future Mrs. Justin Bieber, I was confused when one of them sent me this song and told me she wanted to marry the Irish one and since I was looking at universities in Ireland and the UK, I should keep a look out for him. They're called One Direction btw, and the song she sent me is What makes You Beautiful (hopefully I can post the video below).

That's right, I'm being sent to school by my 14 year old cousin to stalk a boy for her and smuggle his cute little butt back to America. Illegal much? (sidenote: Dear FBI, US Customs, CIA, TSA and god knows what other three letter agency I'm forgetting...I'm not going to do that. Because it's wrong. And I'm not sure how to get him through the x-ray machines...and it's wrong.)

Anyways, this song is on every freaking radio station and is possibly the catchiest song in the world right now. Plus, its sweet. And they are adorable.

I'm going to go try and get this song out of my head, but awesome fact of the day, The Amandas are having a contest for a closet makeover. Be still my heart!  It ends on May 30th and if you want to enter, the information is on The Amandas Facebook page.

Monday, May 7, 2012

More Ombre nails and newsprint nails

I feel like ombre nails are stalking me. I'm completely in love with the outcome of my second attempt (I did a softer blue and white combo). My friend sent me a link to a site that talked about newsprint nails and right up the page (one helpful scroll up) was another ombre tutorial.

without sponges.

To be fair, I like the sponge tutorial better, the blend is just much nicer, but if you want an artsy more mod/flair style. This is the technique.

from Lulus blog
Then, because I can't stop blog stumbling, I found a DIY ombre glitter manicure. Be still my heart.

from DIY ombre glitter bling gelish manicure

Although--sometime in the future, this (below) is going to happen. Granted, on the weekend, when nothing professional is going to happen. Because to be fair, unless you work at a fashion mag, I don't think you can pull these off at work. 

via Lulu's blog

Images and techniques from: 
  1. Beauty How To: DIY Ombre Nails from LuLus a la Mode Blog
  2. Ombre Glitter Bling Gelish Manicure from Granola 2 Glam Blog
  3. Beauty Trend: Word Nails from Lulus a la Mode Blog

Sunday, May 6, 2012

What a Supermoon looks like

Last night there was a supermoon. I had never heard of a supermoon so I skipped outside around ten at night to see this phenom. I had two problems of course, lots of trees (we like in an area surrounded by Canopy roads/neighborhoods) and apparently the actual area where i live. The moon was bigger of course, but nothing like some of the area photos that popped up on the news today. Oh well. It was still pretty cool.

Supermoon over Athens, Greece (Temple of Poseidon, Cape Sounion)

I wanted to work for NASA when I was younger, I had TONS of magazines and books about space, stars, black holes. I found the entire thing to be thrilling. And then I thought about the fact that when an astronaut goes out into space, he/she can look out to the left and right and above and see for such a long distance...but that same thought applies to below. Because there's not really ground in space. And that freaked me out and that was pretty much it for my space dreams. Weird right? I can't explain my bizarre thoughts.

Cairo, Egypt (Mohamed Ali Mosque), with the supermoon behind the minaret

NASA's  YouTube page explains that a supermoon is officially called a perigee moon. In this case the moon was 14% larger and about 30% brighter. Got it. Big and shiney.

Also, for those recovering from margaritas or mint julies...Cinco de Derby is over (sadness) and the horse, I'll Have Another, won the 138th Kentucky Derby. It was kinda a neat nod to the day because the winning jockey is from Mexico. Cinco de Derby indeed!

I'll Have Another and winning jockey Mario Gutierrez

Images from

Supermoon rises around the world, MSNBC's Photoblog
I'll Have Another wins 138th Kentucky Derby, MSNBC's Photoblog

More Info/Pictures on Supermoons:

Spectacular Supermoon Wows Sky-watchers Around the World
Supermoon illuminates, captivates around the globe
NASA explains the supermoon of May 5

More Info on the Kentucky Derby, I'll Have Another and Mario Gutierrez

I'll Have Another Wins 138th Kentucky Derby

Saturday, May 5, 2012

How to Make Mint Juleps


That's right...two holidays but only one day (somehow I feel like I'm getting jipped). I'm not sure what to celebrate but since I'm in a southern town that's filled with college students who are mostly Hispanic (than southern)...I'll probably be getting some Mexican food tonight. 

from Kentucky Parties

But my favorite holiday is Derby day (technically not an official holiday). Sure...I kinda zone out when the horses run..mostly because I'm not a massive horse fan. But I love the hats, the dresses and the mint juleps. 

I don't drink anymore because alcohol can trigger the most painful migraines I've ever had. But the first time I had a mint julep-I fell in love. It was possibly the best drink ever. My friend and I drank them all night long and thought they were the yummiest and weakest drink on the planet. 

from Mint Julep recipe from

We learned our lesson. I walked into a door and she fell down somewhere (after three of them). So word to the wise...yummy and strong. We also started calling them mint julies. Actually typing juleps and not julies has been hard.

Anyways, the whole point of my posting on Saturday (the most holy day of rest and relaxation!) was because I read an article (news junkie me!) that said that people should skip mint juleps because they're a pain to make. The only places I can't get a mint julep was this bar called mint julep in Orlando (and some random places in NYC who didn't understand and kept giving me a mojito). Skipping mint juleps on derby day is a sin y'all. Uh-uh. No. 

Sure, there's a super proper way to make it, but if I (art history major) and my friend (finance) can figure out simple syrup + bourbon (Kentucky) + mint while doing out hair and make-up...then really...there's no excuse. 

So, just in case you've not grown up in a southern house that watches the Derby, drinks Mint Juleps, and blesses hearts (especially yours Mint-Juleps-in-Orlando-that-doesn't-make-MINT-JULEPS) are some easy recipes. 

1.) Take a shot of Kentucky bourbon. Realize how yummy bourbon is. Realize your daddy has neglected to mention how yummy bourbon is. 
2) Cover mint leaves with small amount of bourbon. Start the eye makeup and remind your friend that there's a shoe-sale going on at the mall. 
3) Go back to the kitchen and mix equal parts water and sugar (ie...make sugar water). Realize it's supposed to be about one cup of each. But know you'll get distracted talking about the hot bartender that looks like Ashley from Gone with the Wind. Remember you've left said mixture on the stove. After sugar dissolves (and you've stirred gosh darn it) turn off the heat. 
4) Finish dressing and shoes and makeup. Talk about the crazy students in your art history class that don't really think shampoo is necessary. 
5) Somehow mix sugar water, bourbon and mint stuff together. Realize you've added more bourbon than your aunt told you to add. Do your hair (the higher to god the better) and realize bourbon is weak and you'll be fine. Have another glass. 
6) Avoid glass doors...they are tricky little things. 

Obviously this is not the correct way to make mint julies. Or any sacred southern drink. But forgive my attempt. The bartender was really hot. REALLY hot.

For more "correct" ways to do it, here are some basic ones. 

And don't hold your breath hoping for a mint julie at misnomered Mint Juleps in Orlando. It will only break your heart. Bless their hearts. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

fab birthday gifts!

So the cost of going back to grad school has me a tad stressed. I'm probably going to have to get a all the textbooks, moving and school fees. Eek!

My dad thought way ahead though, and he bought me the Amazon Fire Kindle for my b-day. I'm pretty sure I can get a lot of my textbooks through it (ok...i HOPE i can get most of my textbooks through it because some of the schools I applied to are not in the USA). And because my daddy and brother are super awesome, they also got me a pink case and screen protector.
I downloaded all the free books I could...and it seems like some of them are torrid romance novels. I'm slightly terrified of them but my grandmommy was the harlequin romance queen. BOXES of those books were in her extra bedroom...I have no idea what happened to them either. There's some very full library somewhere!

I also got a new tape dispenser as a tease gift from my dad. I've been complaining because everyone steals MY tape dispenser so he went and got me one (from Scotch tape). It's so freaking cute! And I'm positive no one will steal it. Because let's be honest, my brother and dad are fairly macho...and this is definitely NOT macho.

I also got some ridiculously awesome see through note-tabs/stickey notes from Avery. I LOVE office supplies. I have a fully intact office. That I don't need. Because I don't work from home, and I don't have a job. But I'm super ready...for something. These notes are transparent (some are colored) that you can write on (over the writing on the page) or even highlight on. It's really ingenious and I've been wanting to use them on some of my books (that are more intellectual than say...Pride and Prejudice and Zombies).

Top (R):  Amazon. com (direct link for shopping)

Speaking of zombies, I also got a gift certificate to a bookstore and went a tad crazy...I got some fabulous books that I can't wait to read. 

from Books-A-Million

from Books-a-Million

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I totally had a nail success last night. Go me!

That's kinda a crappy picture, but for the love of me...I cannot find my camera cord. So I totally cheated and used my webcam (no flash) and lightened it in PicMonkey. Which is my new found love until I figure out the Photoshop program I stole from my dad's computer.

It's the gradient/dip-dye/ombre stain nail technique I mentioned yesterday. I totally used old nail polish (from like...middle school) that I probably should  have thrown out and two contrasting colors (pink and dark blue).

up close
I was so proud of myself I thought I'd share!

AND I finished paying my application fees (no thanks to farmville...which I'm feeling unnecessary annoyance at).

Today is also my birthday, so I've been cooking dinner because my family is coming over tonight for a family dinner. So I'll just leave with some pretty pictures (and protest pictures, that's all over the news here. Occupy and Bin-Laden/Seal Team 6).


The Situation Room pic...

Links/Image Sources:

Occupy Protesters rally in London and New York on May Day
Bin Laden take-down picture
May Day Celebrations in Thailand